Saturday, January 3, 2015

Holiday Finds & Gifts For All

Well it seems like most years, the holidays have come and gone. 2014 contained some great bounties in the world of oddball antiques. As of 2012, I had moved to California, and now run a media company, (fun times).

My old man is a collector of depression glass, specifically Hazel Atlas "Moderntone." For Christmas he received an amazingly rare piece of the pattern, a 7.75" Flat Soup Bowl. Neither of us have ever seen one up close. It didn't arrive in perfect condition, it had a few small flea bites on the inside rim. Oh well.

If you know moderntone, you must know how well it displays. Super cool piece. It books for Approx. $130, depending on the book. As a super rare piece, that I did not want to slip through my fingers, I paid 165, and received a $30.00 refund.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I saw an awesome piece at an antique store yesterday. It would  be a great decorator piece on a wall for an eclectic person, garage, man cave, or someone who collects Mercedes Benz.

It was the front end, more or less the grill, off a 1960's Mercedes Benz, emblem still attached, with a license plate where the radiator cover was.

The kicker was it was only 65.00, if someone else doesn't pick it up, I may have to.

Go check it out at Adam's Antiques in Adamstown PA, then grab a cold one at Zia's New Deck outside!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Times they are a changing

It is very interesting this season to walk around the local flea markets, things seem to keep changing. From when I was a toddler going around with my family, to today walking around with others, there is always something on the move.

For instance, a dear friend, I will not say his name, out of respect, fell ill last year. My old man and I were walking around waiting to hear one of his corny jokes, or just show us something he may have picked up 20 years ago, but he has not been set up to sell. We ask some of our contacts at Shupp's Grove, where he has gone, and unfortunately, he had to give up his livelihood and close his stand.

It is very unfortunate when you lose something special, such as a connection to someone who you may have not known on a truly personal level, but a friendship none the less.

The number of young people are beginning to grow. I see new kids shopping for vintage knick knacks every week, it is pretty cool that with TV Shows like Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Cajun Pawn, and American Restoration, help shine a light on things that are coming back into style, and helping the business grow.

So another year, another flea market, and another year of the world changing a little more.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Antique Interests?

A lot of the time, I'm overlooked in a sense when it comes to antiques. My age group for collecting and having a vast knowledge of 100 year old items is unheard of. Yes I have a college degree, a good job, and live a regular life, but when you show up at specialty depression glass shows to go try and buy, it is like everyone wants to hold your hand. What are you doing sonny, looking for some nice glass? Why yes ma'am, I'm looking for a green block optic vase, and I'm not talking one that comes out of a mold, one that is hand blown, and would  go with the pattern.

That is what happens, people overrate your knowledge, because of your age. The opposite of normalcy, where elderly people are credited without knowing as much, because they are losing it. So if you are wondering what I collect, here it is.


Hazel Atlas Block Optic (In Green) Depression Glass.
-Its a really simple pattern, but looks gorgeous in a china closet

1978 Ralph Bakshi Lord of the Rings collectibles
-I have always had an infatuation with Tolkien. This product line made anything from hand puppets, to action figures, to Royal Doulton Figurines.

I will always buy a good record if I say one, who said Vinyl died?

Things I enjoy flipping:

Old Video Game Systems

80's toys

90's toys

Sci Fi stuff




Fire King


Here is a picture of maybe 25% of my depression glass collection. Its always nice when the pictures won't rotate.

The Weather is Here, Wish you were Vintage

The weather here in Pennsylvania has finally bloomed, and is filled with 70 degree days. It is finally yard sale weather, obviously noticed as I was on my way to work and passed 50 cars parked in the corn field, shuffling towards that piece of Tupperware they have been looking for. Not only does the new weather throw a positive spin on attitudes, it is like starting all over again. Everything is coming back to life and giving us reasons to get outside.

Enjoy the fresh new season, and if you're out looking for a treasure, don't forget to check in with Pennpickers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Video and tours of Antique Alley

Be sure to check out the blog and our new YouTube account for videos that will be posted about the local antique markets. Watch us on our adventures as we scour through the hundreds of dealers and shops in our local area, and help bring the experience to the watcher.

Our YouTube account is under: thepennpickers

-The Past is Alive in PA

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Early Bird Gets the Pick

First off, I everyone is enjoying a gorgeous holiday, mine is being spent in the lovely California. Back to business tomorrow in the Antique Capitol of the states. Lately I have been having a ball at a local flea market, there are great finds, if you can wake up early enough. The website for Leesport Farmers Market is:

I arrive around 4:45am on a Wednesday morning, try to make some buys in the morning and leave by noon after selling.the last trip was a rather nice success after a nabbed a large amount of original Power Rangers and Ghostbusters toys. They will be posted later this week under my eBay username: thepennpicker

Don't forget to check out the site and examine the new inventory